Canyon Aeroad

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Canyon Aeorad

The Canyon Aeroad is a high-performance road bike designed with a sharp focus on aerodynamics and speed, making it a top choice for competitive racers and speed enthusiasts. The Aeroad blends cutting-edge engineering with meticulous design to minimize air resistance, enabling riders to achieve faster times on flats and during sprints.

Canyon Aeroad Key Features

Aerodynamic Frame: The Aeroad features a frame and fork crafted with aerodynamic efficiency in mind. Utilising truncated airfoil shapes, the design reduces drag across a wide range of wind conditions without compromising weight or stiffness.

Adjustable Cockpit: One of the standout features of the Aeroad is its innovative, adjustable cockpit. The integrated handlebar and stem system, known as the CP10 Aerocockpit, allows for easy adjustments of width and stem length without the need for specialized tools. This adaptability enables riders to fine-tune their riding position for optimal aerodynamics and comfort.

Carbon Frame Technology: Employing Canyon's advanced carbon fiber technology, the Aeroad's frame is both incredibly lightweight and stiff. This ensures efficient power transfer and responsive handling, crucial for high-speed performance.

Disc Brakes: The Aeroad is equipped with disc brakes across all models, providing consistent and powerful stopping power. This feature enhances rider control and safety, especially at high speeds or in variable weather conditions.

Integration: The Aeroad showcases extensive integration of components to further improve aerodynamics. From the seamless transition between the frame, fork, and Aerocockpit to the hidden seatpost and clamp and integrated cable routing, every detail is designed to reduce drag.

Canyon Aeorad Price Range

The Canyon Aeroad's price range reflects its position as a premium aerodynamic road bike, with models starting around £4,000 and going up to £9,000 or more for the top-tier configurations.