
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 articles
  • How to choose a second-hand bike

    How to choose a second-hand bike

    The second-hand bike market provides a wealth of opportunity when it comes to finding a bargain. It offers you the chance to buy a premium bike stacked full of high-quality components, for the same price as a new entry-level model.
  • Five ways to identify a stolen second-hand bike online

    Five ways to identify a stolen second-hand bike online

    As cyclists, many of us have had the gut-wrenching experience of returning to a rack to find our bike missing. With more than 77,000 bikes stolen in England and Wales each year, it is an all too common experience.
  • Are Electric Bikes Legal?

    Are Electric Bikes Legal?

    In short, yes! Stroll into a bike shop and you’ll be able to find everything, from slick electric hybrids to electric mountain bikes and electric cargo bikes. These bikes made by trusted brands are legal in the UK, but that’s not to say that every electric bike you come across will be.
  • How much is my bike worth?

    How much is my bike worth?

    So, you’ve decided you want to sell your bike. You’ve cleaned it, taken photos and uploaded information on everything from components to condition. That leaves you with just one step to complete your listing: how much do you want to sell your bike for?
  • What to Look out for when buying a used bike

    What to Look out for when buying a used bike

    In the world of cycling, there's a certain charm in owning a second-hand bike. Whether it’s to save money, embrace eco-friendliness, or hunt down a rare model no longer in production, buying used can be an excellent decision....
  • The benefits of buying second-hand bikes

    The benefits of buying second-hand bikes

    Are you itching to hit the trails but your wallet is holding you back? Or perhaps you’re looking to upgrade to a higher-spec model but don’t want to burn through all your savings? Buying second hand may just be the solution. Here’s why
  • How to find the age of your bicycle: 6 easy ways

    How to find the age of your bicycle: 6 easy ways

    Determining the age of a bike can be helpful when buying or selling a second-hand bike. Read our guide on how to tell the age of your bike here
  • Top tips for selling your second-hand bike

    Top tips for selling your second-hand bike

    Your guide to selling your bike. Tips include how to write good description, take photos and how to price the bike fairly. Follow these simple pointers to maximise the return on your bike!