Top tips for selling your second-hand bike

Top tips for selling your second-hand bike

Maximise your return with these simple pointers.

1) Be honest

 Honesty really is the best policy. Take plenty of new photos of your bike, and write a clear description with as much detail as possible. Mention any upgrades, servicing history, or repairs you've done. Be honest about the bike's condition, including any cosmetic or functional issues. Accurate descriptions help manage buyer expectations and build trust.

2) Price wisely

 Set a fair price by researching the market value of similar bikes. Take into account factors like the bike's age, condition, brand, and any upgrades. Consider whether you want to negotiate the price or leave room for potential buyers to make offers. If you’d like help with valuing your bike, you can reach out to one of our ride guides for support.

3) Stay chatty

 Respond promptly to enquiries from potential buyers. The faster you respond to offers/ enquiries, the more likely you are to get a sale. It’s that simple!  Sellers that take 1-2 days to respond will lose out, as potential buyers may think it’s not available or find a bike elsewhere. Also, be courteous and professional in your communication. Answer questions honestly and provide additional information or photos if requested.

4) Take great photos

 Firstly, prepare your bike for high-quality photos. Give it a thorough cleaning by washing the frame, wheels, and components to make it look presentable. Then, when it’s ready, capture clear and well-lit photos of your bike from different angles. Highlight any notable features, upgrades, or accessories. And make sure to take photos of any damage/scratches. Buyers know to expect damage, after all, it is a second-hand bike, so make them feel at ease by highlighting this. clear, high-quality images can significantly improve the appeal of your listing and attract potential buyers, so be sure to get this step right!

5) Write good descriptions

 When submitting your bike to our platform, you’ll already be asked to include most major details, including brand, model, and size. The description section is your opportunity to include any additional information you think will help sell your bike more quickly. Put yourself in the buyers' position, what would they want to know? Perhaps include your reason for selling it, the mileage, and your height. This is also your opportunity to mention any flaws, cosmetic damage, and issues with the bike. Be thorough in your description and as mentioned earlier, be honest!


Happy selling!

Matthew Coulthard

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